2006-07-28 | As panelist Webster Tarpley urges, pass this news of C-SPAN's program as widely and quickly as possible. This conference was the fifth one I attended (preceded by San Francisco, Toronto, Washington DC and Chicago and reveals how far we have already gone in unraveling the mystery of 911 which lies at the root of virtually all the current troubles in the world, including the USA as well.
In my opinion the 911 destruction of the World Trade Center Towers, assertedly by Muslims was the opening shock and awe attack on U.S. citizens to be followed by the Anthrax attacks and then on to take over one country at a time, first Afghanistan, next Iraq, and coming up, Iran and Syria.
Until the bulk of our population is aware of who was criminally responsible for these attacks within our very own government there will be no chance of forming a responsible government (of people, not corporations) to objectively deal with the many climate and domestic problems facing us, all of which are being ignored.
These startling revelations, hidden by the mass media are important for every citizen to understand so watch, and/or record this vital C-SPAN report on one event of this most dynamic conference in L.A. several weeks ago.
Ken Reiner Dear Friends,
The Sunday panel discussion from the Alex Jones Los Angeles conference (911 AND THE NEO-CON AGENDA) will reportedly be telecast on C-SPAN this coming Saturday evening at 8pm and 11pm eastern time.
This discussion includes Alex Jones, Professor Steven Jones, Col. Robert Bowman, Professor James Fetzer, and myself.
The mere fact that it has been scheduled pays tribute to the growing strength of our 9/11 truth movement.
I urge you to build the maximum audience for this important event, which represents our best opportunity of counteracting the escalation of the Middle East and North Korean crises towards thermonuclear World War III, by means a strong dose of 9/11 truth.
I call upon each of you to put aside other considerations for the next 48 hours and to mobilize all available forces to make this a turning point in world history. Let it be seen by 100,000,000 Americans, and we can turn the world back from the brink of the abyss.
Webster G. Tarpley
Please consult:
Please also see:
Experts Continue to Expose the 9/11 Fraud, a report from Ken Reiner
and many related articles in our War of the Shadows section.