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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Announcing an Afternoon of Truth and Activism with Webster G. Tarpley

The following announcement has been e-mailed to me.
Boris Epstein

Saturday, Jan. 20, 2007, 1- 5:30pm
At the Friends Meeting House, 141 Central Ave., Dover, NH

Noted author Webster Tarpley will be making a special presentation examining the current political party realignment currently taking place in America and whether this transition will take us toward a new progressive phase or a more fascist and draconian society. Mr. Tarpley will also address the war and impending collapse of US forces in Iraq, the dollar collapse, the mounting evidence of 9-11 crimes, and the dangers of another "terrorist" attack.

He will lead the day’s activities for guests will be introduced to the concept of creating "Truth Squads," designed to be a challenging presence to presidential candidates as they campaign in the historically significant New Hampshire primary. This is open to anyone who wants to be a part of the evolving changes in the political scene.

Webster Griffin Tarpley is our most incisive critic of Anglo-American hegemony. As an activist historian he is best known for his book George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography (1992), a masterpiece of research which is still must reading, and 911 Synthetic Terror: Made in the USA, Surviving the Cataclysm, and Against Oligarchy. He is host of World Crisis Radio on He is a 9/11 Truth Scholar and activist; AB Princeton 1966, summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa; Fulbright Scholar at University of Turin, Italy; and MA in humanities from Skidmore College. He is fluent in Italian, German, French, Latin and Russian. A decades-long expert on international terrorism, his 1978 study for the Italian parliament "Chi ha ucciso Aldo Moro?" (Who Killed Aldo Moro?) broke open the ownership of the "Red Brigades" by NATO's clandestine "stay-behind" networks.

Additional speakers will be added to the program to address the issues of impeachment and ending the war in Iraq. The event is free and open to the public (voluntary donations are greatly appreciated).

Sponsored by the Seacoast 9-11 Questions Group; Boston 9-11 Truth Committee; Western MA 9-11Truth, and Vermont 9-11 Truth.

For more information please contact:
Peggy Brewster 603-973-1555
Crystal Urbanski 978-270-5625
Boston 9-11 Truth voice mail: 617-401-8047

Web sites: (maps available on this site)

Friday, January 05, 2007

If You Want Something Done Right...

By Jon Gold
December 7, 2006

Link to original

By Jon Gold

This movement, more than anything else in existence, has supported the sick and the dying from the environmental disaster that was 9/11.

As we all know, it was the White House, through Condoleezza Rice's office, that signed off on the infamous press release read by then EPA Director, Christie Todd Whitman that said, "Given the scope of the tragedy from last week, I am glad to reassure the people of New York and Washington, D.C. that their air is safe to breath and their water is safe to drink."

Christie denied misleading the public, but a Federal Judge by the name of Deborah A. Batts BLASTED her by saying, "no reasonable person would have thought that telling thousands of people that it was safe to return to lower Manhattan, while knowing that such return could pose long-term health risks and other dire consequences, was conduct sanctioned by our laws."

On January 7th of this year, James Zadroga passed away.

Michael Palladino, head of the Detectives' Endowment Association said that, "He was a hero, he disregarded his own health and life to rescue people at Ground Zero."

I am sad to say that James was the not the only one affected by the environmental disaster. As it stands right now, there are upwards of 70,000 people that are now sick as a result of breathing in those toxins.

Recently, another victim of the disaster passed away. This time, it was a nun by the name of Cindy Mahoney. Before she died, she promised to donate her body to be autopsied in the hopes of helping those that are suffering. She is a hero in her own right.

On December 3rd, it was reported that, Rep. Nadler is investigating whether or not, "five Bloomberg administration officials" [...] "violated congressional intent and misspent federal money to dispute more than 6,400 claims." They apparently believed it was their "duty to defend" against the claims.

These people are sick and dying as a result of actions by our Government, and now that very same Government is letting them suffer. This is unacceptable.

After 9/11, the people of America managed to donate upwards of $5Billion to the people affected by the attacks.

Since it seems the Government does not seem willing to help, it again falls on the shoulders of the people.

As I said, this movement has always supported the sick and the dying from the environmental disaster that was 9/11. It is time to dig deep, and give them the kind of support they need. There are currently first responders who are having problems getting by month to month. We have people like David Miller who walks around with a mobile respirator, and Craig Bartmer going to places like the PSU to inform people of what's going on, but are too proud to ask for money.

There are currently 2 organizations that are accepting money to help the first responders, and a new one that will be announced in the coming weeks.

They are:
The Feal Good Foundation
Heroes Helping Heroes

Very soon, is going to start accepting donations that will be split evenly among all of the organizations listed. Obviously, the more that can be raised, the better. These people are heroes, and they deserve so much better than they've gotten.

Craig Bartmer recently said in regards to our efforts as a movement, "You're not offending me. You're doing the right thing."

It's time for us to the right thing again. Please give what you can, and thank you.

January 5, 2007: Recent links of interest

Hurricane Center Chief Issues Final Warning

Friday, 5 January 2007 4:20 P GMT-05
Frustrated with people and politicians who refuse to listen or learn, National Hurricane Center Director Max Mayfield ends his 34-year government career today in search of a new platform for getting out his unwelcome message: Hurricane Katrina was nothing compared with the big one yet to come. Mayfield, 58, leaves his high-profile job with the National Weather Service more convinced than ever that U.S. residents of the Southeast are risking unprecedented tragedy by continuing to build vulnerable homes in the tropical storm zone and failing to plan escape routes.

Peanuts Kill More Americans Than Terrorists

Friday, 5 January 2007 4:02 P GMT-05
Only by coming to the understanding that terrorism is such a limited threat to our livelihoods and communicating that to others can we disarm the alarmist propaganda that governments utilize in order to enlist our obedience for the construction of the prison planet.


Wednesday, 3 January 2007 4:44 A GMT-05
And have you heard that the anthrax attacks -- which were sent along with notes purportedly written by Islamic terrorists -- used a weaponized anthrax strain from the top U.S. bioweapons facility, the Fort Detrick military base? Indeed, top bioweapons experts have stated that the anthrax attack may have been a CIA test "gone wrong"; and see this article by a former NSA and naval intelligence officer. It is also interesting that the only congress people mailed anthrax-containing letters were key democrats, and that the attacks occurred one week before passage of the freedom-curtailing Patriot Act, which seems to have scared them and the rest of congress into passing that act without even reading it. And it might be coincidence, but White House staff began taking the anti-anthrax medicine before the Anthrax attacks occurred.

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

January 2, 2007: Recent links of interest

AT&T Concession Thoroughly Debunks Key Anti-Net Neutrality Myth

Monday, 1 January 2007 7:51 P GMT-05
AT&T’s agreement to Net Neutrality as a condition of their merger with Bell South was a huge victory for Internet freedom. It also debunks a top myth told to the public by Internet freedom opponents like AT&T: that Net Neutrality can’t be defined. It can be – AT&T just did it.

Burlington Free Press front page: Investigate 9/11 again, group says

Monday, 1 January 2007 4:39 P GMT-05
Vermont's biggest newspaper, The Burlington Free Press, has covered 9/11 on its front page! "A Burlington, Vermont group has gathered more than 1,200 of the 1,350 signatures needed to place a new investigation"

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Sunday, December 31, 2006

December 31, 2006: Recent links of interest

dc911truth Conference at George Mason University Videos Now Available

Sunday, 31 December 2006 5:44 P GMT-05 hosted a conference entitled 'From 9/11 Truth To 9/11 Justice' at George Mason University on 11/11/06. The lectures are now posted on google video and are hyperlinked below. Enjoy!

Top 25 Censored Stories of 2007

Saturday, 30 December 2006 4:38 P GMT-05

Bush - Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951 - Federal Documents

Saturday, 30 December 2006 1:04 A GMT-05
After the seizures in late 1942 of five U.S. enterprises he managed on behalf of Nazi industrialist Fritz Thyssen, Prescott Bush, the grandfather of President George W. Bush, failed to divest himself of more than a dozen "enemy national" relationships that continued until as late as 1951, newly-discovered U.S. government documents reveal.

Boston Tea Party for 9/11 Truth (video)

Friday, 29 December 2006 7:40 P GMT-05

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