OK, I've been here by myself long enough... Time to let other voices be heard too.
First - a little history. This project was initially started in August 2004 as Sniffing Out The Higher Truth. The principal purpose was for yours truly to allow to express his views as well as counter the overwhelming bias of the mainstream media. Later on I started another blog site, Building a Pyramid. The reason for this migration were technical - the hosting service at the Blog-City at the time appeared to have some features that the Blogger lacked. In terms of those features the Blog-City has since disappointed me on several occasions but it definitely does offer one great feature - the Link Blog - which, as you can see I am using extensively. It is used to provide links to external articles I find to be worth a read as well as to articles published on my sites. You can gain access to everything this web project of mine has to offer by just reading the Link Blog.
At one point the Blog-City allowed RSS-based site mirroring which I wasted no time taking advantage of. So at this point all posts published on Sniffing Out The Higher Truth are automatically copied to Building a Pyramid. Thus both future contributors and myself are expected to publish their posts on Sniffing Out The Higher Truth. And for that they will need a Blogger invitation which ought be requested from yours truly.
Hence allow me to invite anyone and everyone willing to contribute to this project. A couple of guidelines to follow:
- These guidelines are not final and may have to be revised.
- I do reserve a right to censorship within this project though I sincerely hope never to have to excercize this right.
- All contributors must be willing to use their own name and provide a contact e-mail or site reference in their posts.
- Please sign and date your post in a way similar to this one (see upper right corner).
- The topics of this forum are history, politics, psychology, science and just about anything else that helps us understand the complex world we live in. Something highly specific - such as knitting technique posts - may not belong here. Internet marketing definitely does not. If I believe your posts are too far off-topic I will contact you and inform you to that effect.
- Needless to say, all content viewed as illegal - such as illegal pornography, for instance - will not be tolerated and if I believe you are breaking the law I consider constitutional have no doubt I will report you to the law enforcement.
- While all criticism, no matter how harsh, is accepted try to avoid ad hominem attacks and threats. Or try to limit them to yours truly as he is quite immune to them.
- All posts must be in English - or at least contain enough English to be of interest to English speakers.
- Spam is not allowed. Attempts to sabotage the project by spam or by any other means will be vigourously repelled.
E-mail me if you are interested or have any questions. I will need your e-mail address to invite you to participate in the project. You will also need to obtain a
Blogger profile in order to get started in case you haven't done so already. If you don't feel like writing a whole post but instead would like me to post a link e-mail it to me and chances are I will publish it - provided it matches the guidelines above.
And, lastly but not leastly - on more than one occasion I have been accused of presenting things in a one-sided and biased manner. Those accusations have undoubtedly been correct to some extent or other as everyone is by their very nature biased and subjective - though yours truly has tried to present his readers with a diverse variety of viewpoints, some very different from his. But regardless - here's your chance to counter this bias. Do it - or forever hold your peace.