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Thursday, February 08, 2007

9/11 Truth Film Festival, February 9-11, 2007, Cambridge, MA

The text below is extracted from an email. The venue is The Democracy Center (map).

Due to my schedule which as of late has been quite erratic and unconventional I may or may not be able to attend but I would strongly recommend visiting it regardless of what your position is on 9/11.

9/11 Truth Film Festival
February 9-11
The Democracy Center
45 Mt. Auburn St.
Cambridge, MA
Friday 6 PM to 12 AM
Saturday 12 PM to 12 AM
Sunday 12 PM to 8 PM
Free admission and popcorn

An evidence-based, scientifically-sound look into what really happened on 9/11.
26 hours of spellbinding documentaries about 9/11 and related topics.


Anonymous said...

can you tell me what documenaries you'll be showing? i've seen many

Boris Epstein said...

Thanks for asking. Here's the schedule.

Men for Rent Swansea said...

Nice blog thanks for postiing

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